
The Healing Art of Deep Bodywork®: Healing the Shoulder, Forearm and Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome at Mount Madonna, Oct.20-25

For exact Date and Time details, please click on the Register button.

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The Healing Art of Deep Bodywork®: Healing the Shoulder, Forearm and Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome

Deep bodywork, practiced with great sensitivity, is one of the most effective healing modalities available to us as bodywork practitioners. Through slowly opening the body’s deeper soft tissue layers, we connect the mind to “stuck” areas of the body, releasing enormous amounts of previously “held” energy. This energy then becomes available to support the body’s innate capacity to self-organize and heal, enabling massage practitioners to support clients in overcoming previously stubborn, seemingly intractable physical conditions.

Two areas of the body where we often encounter challenges are the shoulder and the forearm/wrist. Because of the complexity of these structures, and the intense, chronic pain they can produce, massage therapists and bodyworkers are often reluctant to touch them for fear of doing more harm. In this seminar, you will learn effective deep tissue techniques, easily integrated into your current practice, to address acute and chronic pain of the shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands.

Perry and Johanna will teach the art of recognizing and healing “disorganized tissue” through presence-based touch, and they explain why, at physiological and energetic levels, Deep Bodywork needs to be done slowly to be most effective. They will also address the aggravation of symptoms which often occurs within 48 hours after a session, and how to guide your clients through such healing crises.

Each morning will begin with awareness-based movement and breath practices designed to help you embody presence in a manner supporting this effective work.

Perry and Johanna developed Deep Bodywork over 30 years ago and lead seminars in the USA, Europe and Asia. They look forward to sharing with you how to incorporate this method into your current bodywork practice easily!

For exact Date and Time details, please click on the Register button.

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Transpersonal Breathwork Practices: Circular Breathing™, Qigong, and Integrative Gestalt Practice™

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Join us for a transformative workshop where ancient traditions intersect with modern science to unleash the power of transpersonal breathwork practices. Through this week-long immersive experience, you will discover the profound benefits of Circular Breathing and other multicultural techniques that have been embraced  by Western science.

Continue Transpersonal Breathwork Practices: Circular Breathing™, Qigong, and Integrative Gestalt Practice™


Integrative Gestalt Coaching Certification Training

July 1–28, 2023

with Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

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Integrative Gestalt Coaching™ (IGC) is a comprehensive and interactive therapy method Perry Holloman developed over the last 40 years while living at Esalen. He and his wife, Johanna, travel and teach this approach in the USA, Europe, and Asia, working with individuals and groups and coaching businesses and communities.

This month-long program is designed for people who want to learn basic skills in the practice of Gestalt, applicable to both their personal lives as well as their work with individuals and groups.

Date and/or Times may not be specific. For reservations and details, visit:



Integrative Gestalt Coaching™

Integrative Gestalt Coaching™

A Professional Certification Training

July 1st – July29th at Esalen

Click Here to Register!

What is it?

From July 1st-29th, 2023 Perry and Johanna Holloman will be offering a professional training in Integrative Gestalt Coaching (IGC) at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. The premise of this training is to teach presence-based facilitation skills which can be used for:

  • Individual and group work with students/clients/colleagues.
  • Communication skill development in personal and professional settings.
  • Inner development and self-healing through the powerful tools of self-inquiry   taught in this program.

Who is it for?

  • Professionals and lay people looking to develop both intuitive and structured coaching skills to support individuals, groups and organizations.
  • People focused on their own self-inquiry needing “down-time” to heal themselves.
  • Individuals longing for a clearer sense of life purpose both personally and professionaly.

How is it structured?

  • This training will take place in a retreat setting at Esalen over a four-week period. During our time together we will focus on foundational aspects of the theory and practice of IGC. We will meet 5-6 times a week for a total of 64 hrs.
  • Students who wish to certify will apply skills taught in this training with clients they work with after the conclusion of their stay at Esalen. Thirty documented sessions with clients and five sessions of supervision with Perry are required for a certificate.

Topics we will cover are:

  • Understanding and working with the Continuum of Awareness as the foundation for self-inquiry.
  • Creating competently held safe space for our clients’ self-inquiry.
  • Understanding the Theory of Change in Gestalt.
  • Understanding and working with the inner critic, the primary barrier to contact with our authenticity.
  • Discovering and developing our experience of presence as the foundation of human experience and understanding the difference between presence and awareness.
  • Developing aspects of embodied presence foundational to this work, e.g. intuitive guidance and authentic compassion.
  • Honing our facilitation skills to include more complex interventions designed to deepen the clients’ inquiry and challenge rigid internal structures.
  • Developing an understanding of our own relationship to conflict and how to support people in its resolution.
  • Deepening our own self-inquiry to discover the structures acting as barriers to our maturation as realized human beings.

Click Here to Register!

All certificates are granted by the Holloman Institute™. Adherence to all professional and ethical standards of practice is required.


Integrative Gestalt Practice 5-day at Esalen with Perry and Johanna: May 22-26, 2023

Integrative Gestalt Practice™

May 22–26, 2023
with Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

Integrative Gestalt Practice™ is a method of self-inquiry Perry and Johanna Holloman developed over the last 30 years. They travel and teach this approach globally, working with individuals, groups, and communities.

This in-depth program is for individuals, couples, and friends wanting to experience the practice of Gestalt Inquiry to support their self-exploration. Integrative Gestalt Practice is particularly helpful in life transitions and with vital questions affecting the quality of our lives and relationships (family, friends, intimate partners), careers, and overall life purpose. The powerful tools presented in this seminar can help support the emergence of what is most authentic in us and will continue to be helpful in daily life long after this week is over. The practice of Gestalt Inquiry imbues us with an internal sense of agency, clarity, and strength, connecting us to what many describe as a sense of “inner guidance.”

For detailed schedule, to register and learn more, please visit: https://www.esalen.org/workshops/integrative-gestalt-practice-tm-052223

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